

这个奖项是颁给摄影师的,他们负责塑造电影的视觉风格,包括灯光、摄像机角度和视觉效果。 以下表格为历届奥斯卡金像奖最佳摄影每年获奖以及提名的电影,一共626部。

注: 资料收集和中文翻译都采用GPT3.5。

El Conde伯爵Edward Lachman2023提名
Killers of the Flower Moon花月杀手Rodrigo Prieto2023提名
Maestro音乐大师Matthew Libatique2023提名
Oppenheimer奥本海默Hoyte van Hoytema2023获奖
Poor Things可怜的东西Robbie Ryan2023提名
All Quiet on the Western Front西线无战事James Friend2022获奖
Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths诗人Darius Khondji2022提名
Elvis猫王Mandy Walker2022提名
Empire of Light光之帝国Roger Deakins2022提名
Tár塔尔Florian Hoffmeister2022提名
Dune沙丘Greig Fraser2021获奖
Nightmare Alley噩梦大道Dan Laustsen2021提名
The Power of the Dog犬之力Ari Wegner2021提名
The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白的悲剧Bruno Delbonnel2021提名
West Side Story西区故事Janusz Kamiński2021提名
Mank曼克Erik Messerschmidt2020获奖
Judas and the Black Messiah犹大与黑色救世者Sean Bobbitt2020提名
News of the World世界新闻Dariusz Wolski2020提名
Nomadland游牧之地Joshua James Richards2020提名
The Trial of the Chicago 7芝加哥七人组的审判Phedon Papamichael2020提名
1917一九一七Roger Deakins2019获奖
The Irishman爱尔兰人Rodrigo Prieto2019提名
Joker小丑Lawrence Sher2019提名
The Lighthouse灯塔Jarin Blaschke2019提名
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood好莱坞往事Robert Richardson2019提名
Roma罗马Alfonso Cuarón2018获奖
Cold War冷战Łukasz Żal2018提名
The Favourite宠儿Robbie Ryan2018提名
Never Look Away永不瞑目Caleb Deschanel2018提名
A Star Is Born一个明星的诞生Matthew Libatique2018提名
Blade Runner 2049银翼杀手2049Roger Deakins2017获奖
Darkest Hour黑暗时刻Bruno Delbonnel2017提名
Dunkirk敦刻尔克Hoyte van Hoytema2017提名
Mudbound泥土之界Rachel Morrison2017提名
The Shape of Water水形物语Dan Laustsen2017提名
La La Land爱乐之城Linus Sandgren2016获奖
Arrival到来Bradford Young2016提名
Lion狮子Greig Fraser2016提名
Moonlight月光男孩James Laxton2016提名
Silence寂静Rodrigo Prieto2016提名
The Revenant荒野猎人Emmanuel Lubezki2015获奖
Carol卡罗尔Edward Lachman2015提名
The Hateful Eight八恶人Robert Richardson2015提名
Mad Max: Fury Road疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路John Seale2015提名
Sicario边境杀手Roger Deakins2015提名
Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)鸟人Emmanuel Lubezki2014获奖
The Grand Budapest Hotel布达佩斯大饭店Robert Yeoman2014提名
Ida修女艾达Łukasz Żal and Ryszard Lenczewski2014提名
Mr. Turner透纳先生Dick Pope2014提名
Unbroken坚不可摧Roger Deakins2014提名
Gravity地心引力Emmanuel Lubezki2013获奖
The Grandmaster一代宗师Philippe Le Sourd2013提名
Inside Llewyn Davis醉乡民谣Bruno Delbonnel2013提名
Nebraska内布拉斯加Phedon Papamichael2013提名
Prisoners失踪者Roger Deakins2013提名
Life of Pi少年派的奇幻漂流Claudio Miranda2012获奖
Anna Karenina安娜·卡列尼娜Seamus McGarvey2012提名
Django Unchained被解放的姜戈Robert Richardson2012提名
Lincoln林肯Janusz Kamiński2012提名
Skyfall007:大破天幕杀机Roger Deakins2012提名
Hugo雨果Robert Richardson2011获奖
The Artist艺术家Guillaume Schiffman2011提名
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo放牛班的春天Jeff Cronenweth2011提名
The Tree of Life生命之树Emmanuel Lubezki2011提名
War Horse战马Janusz Kamiński2011提名
Inception盗梦空间Wally Pfister2010获奖
Black Swan黑天鹅Matthew Libatique2010提名
The King’s Speech国王的演讲Danny Cohen2010提名
The Social Network社交网络Jeff Cronenweth2010提名
True Grit大地惊雷Roger Deakins2010提名
Avatar阿凡达Mauro Fiore2009获奖
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince哈利·波特与混血王子Bruno Delbonnel2009提名
The Hurt Locker拆弹部队Barry Ackroyd2009提名
Inglourious Basterds无耻混蛋Robert Richardson2009提名
The White Ribbon白丝带Christian Berger2009提名
Slumdog Millionaire贫民窟的百万富翁Anthony Dod Mantle2008获奖
Changeling换子疑云Tom Stern2008提名
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button本杰明·巴顿奇事Claudio Miranda2008提名
The Dark Knight蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士Wally Pfister2008提名
The Reader朗读者Roger Deakins and Chris Menges2008提名
There Will be Blood心血来潮Robert Elswit2007获奖
The Assassination of Jesse James珍珠港Roger Deakins2007提名
Atonement赎罪Seamus McGarvey2007提名
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly潜水钟与蝴蝶Janusz Kamiński2007提名
No Country for Old Men老无所依Roger Deakins2007提名
Pan’s Labyrinth潘神的迷宫Guillermo Navarro2006获奖
The Black Dahlia黑色夜魔女Vilmos Zsigmond2006提名
Children of Men人类之子Emmanuel Lubezki2006提名
The Illusionist变魔术师Dick Pope2006提名
The Prestige致命魔术Wally Pfister2006提名
Memoirs of a Geisha艺伎回忆录Dion Beebe2005获奖
Batman Begins蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜Wally Pfister2005提名
Brokeback Mountain断背山Rodrigo Prieto2005提名
Good Night and Good Luck晚安,好运Robert Elswit2005提名
The New World新世界Emmanuel Lubezki2005提名
The Aviator飞行家Robert Richardson2004获奖
House of Flying Daggers十面埋伏Zhao Xiaoding2004提名
The Passion of the Christ基督受难记Caleb Deschanel2004提名
The Phantom of the Opera歌剧魅影John Mathieson2004提名
A Very Long Engagement漫长的婚约Bruno Delbonnel2004提名
Master and Commander霸王别姬Russell Boyd2003获奖
City of God上帝之城César Charlone2003提名
Cold Mountain寒冷山脉John Seale2003提名
Girl with a Pearl Earring戴珍珠耳环的少女Eduardo Serra2003提名
Seabiscuit美国田园风光John Schwartzman2003提名
Road to Perdition破碎之路Conrad Hall (posthumously)2002获奖
Chicago逐梦女郎Dion Beebe2002提名
Far From Heaven远离天堂Edward Lachman2002提名
Gangs of New York纽约黑帮Michael Ballhaus2002提名
The Pianist钢琴家Paweł Edelman2002提名
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring魔戒首部曲:护戒使者Andrew Lesnie2001获奖
Amélie天使爱美丽Bruno Delbonnel2001提名
Black Hawk Down黑鹰坠落Sławomir Idziak2001提名
The Man Who Wasn’t There缺席的人Roger Deakins2001提名
Moulin Rouge红磨坊Donald McAlpine2001提名
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon卧虎藏龙Peter Pau2000获奖
Gladiator角斗士John Mathieson2000提名
Malèna玛莲娜Lajos Koltai2000提名
O Brother, Where Art Thou逃狱三王Roger Deakins2000提名
The Patriot爱国者Caleb Deschanel2000提名
American Beauty美国丽人Conrad L. Hall1999获奖
The End of the Affair爱到尽头Roger Pratt1999提名
The Insider惊爆内幕Dante Spinotti1999提名
Sleepy Hollow断头谷Emmanuel Lubezki1999提名
Snow Falling on Cedars雪落在雪松上Robert Richardson1999提名
Saving Private Ryan拯救大兵瑞恩Janusz Kamiński1998获奖
A Civil Action民事公诉Conrad L. Hall1998提名
Elizabeth伊丽莎白Remi Adefarasin1998提名
Shakespeare in Love莎士比亚情史Richard Greatrex1998提名
The Thin Red Line细细的红线John Toll1998提名
Titanic泰坦尼克号Russell Carpenter1997获奖
Amistad安米斯塔德号Janusz Kamiński1997提名
Kundun昆顿Roger Deakins1997提名
L.A. ConfidentialL.A.机密档案Dante Spinotti1997提名
The Wings of the Dove鸽之翼Eduardo Serra1997提名
The English Patient英国病人John Seale1996获奖
Evita艾薇塔Darius Khondji1996提名
Fargo法高Roger Deakins1996提名
Fly Away Home走向自由Caleb Deschanel1996提名
Michael Collins迈克尔·柯林斯Chris Menges1996提名
Braveheart勇敢的心John Toll1995获奖
Batman Forever蝙蝠侠前传Stephen Goldblatt1995提名
A Little Princess小公主Emmanuel Lubezki1995提名
Sense and Sensibility理智与情感Michael Coulter1995提名
Shanghai Triad摇滚青年Lü Yue1995提名
Legends of the Fall落日余晖John Toll1994获奖
Forrest Gump阿甘正传Don Burgess1994提名
The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎Roger Deakins1994提名
Three Colours: Red蓝白红三部曲之红Piotr Sobociński1994提名
Wyatt Earp怀特·厄普Owen Roizman1994提名
Schindler’s List辛德勒的名单Janusz Kamiński1993获奖
Farewell My Concubine霸王别姬Gu Changwei1993提名
The Fugitive逃犯Michael Chapman1993提名
The Piano钢琴师Stuart Dryburgh1993提名
Searching for Bobby Fischer寻找鲍比·费舍尔Conrad L. Hall1993提名
A River Runs Through It大河恋Philippe Rousselot1992获奖
Hoffa霍法Stephen H. Burum1992提名
Howards End霍华德庄园Tony Pierce-Roberts1992提名
The Lover情人Robert Fraisse1992提名
Unforgiven无法原谅Jack N. Green1992提名
JFK肯尼迪总统遇刺案Robert Richardson1991获奖
Bugsy豪情四海Allen Daviau1991提名
The Prince of Tides潮浪王子Stephen Goldblatt1991提名
Terminator 2: Judgement Day终结者2:审判日Adam Greenberg1991提名
Thelma & Louise末路狂花Adrian Biddle1991提名
Dances with Wolves与狼共舞Dean Semler1990获奖
Avalon阿瓦隆Allen Daviau1990提名
Dick Tracy迪克·特雷西Vittorio Storaro1990提名
The Godfather: Part III教父3Gordon Willis1990提名
Henry & June亨利与朱恩Philippe Rousselot1990提名
Glory荣耀Freddie Francis1989获奖
The Abyss深渊Mikael Salomon1989提名
Blaze火焰Haskell Wexler1989提名
Born on the Fourth of July第四洲出生Robert Richardson1989提名
The Fabulous Baker Boys一曲相思情未了Michael Ballhaus1989提名
Mississippi Burning密西西比燃烧的黎明Peter Biziou1988获奖
Rain Man雨人John Seale1988提名
Tequila Sunrise墨西哥日出Conrad Hall1988提名
The Unbearable Lightness of Being生命的不可承受之轻Sven Nykvist1988提名
Who Framed Roger Rabbit非常疑犯Dean Cundey1988提名
The Last Emperor末代皇帝Vittorio Storaro1987获奖
Broadcast News广播新闻Michael Ballhaus1987提名
Empire of the Sun阳光帝国Allen Daviau1987提名
Hope and Glory希望和荣耀Philippe Rousselot1987提名
Matewan梅特万Haskell Wexler1987提名
The Mission宣教的使命Chris Menges1986获奖
Peggy Sue Got Married佩吉苏的婚礼Jordan Cronenweth1986提名
Platoon新兵小子Robert Richardson1986提名
A Room with a View观景房Tony Pierce-Roberts1986提名
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home星际迷航4:返乡Don Peterman1986提名
Out Of Africa走出非洲David Watkin1985获奖
The Color Purple紫色Allen Daviau1985提名
Murphy’s Romance爱情与浪漫William A. Fraker1985提名
RanTakao Saito, Masaharu Ueda, and Asakazu Nakai1985提名
Witness目击者John Seale1985提名
The Killing Fields殺戮的黃田Chris Menges1984获奖
Amadeus亚马逊的神Miroslav Ondříček1984提名
The Natural天生的球星Caleb Deschanel1984提名
A Passage to India印度之路Ernest Day1984提名
The River河流Vilmos Zsigmond1984提名
Fanny and Alexander法尼和亚历山大Sven Nykvist1983获奖
Flashdance热舞情人Don Peterman1983提名
The Right Stuff正确的东西Caleb Deschanel1983提名
War Games战争游戏William A. Fraker1983提名
Zelig导演大师Gordon Willis1983提名
Gandhi甘地Billy Williams and Ronnie Taylor1982获奖
Das Boot潜艇Jost Vacano1982提名
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial外星人Allen Daviau1982提名
Sophie’s Choice苏菲的抉择Néstor Almendros1982提名
Tootsie泰尼Owen Roizman1982提名
Reds红色之心Vittorio Storaro1981获奖
Excalibur剑神Alex Thomson1981提名
On Golden Pond黄金池塘Billy Williams1981提名
Ragtime流行音乐Miroslav Ondříček1981提名
Raiders of the Lost Ark夺宝奇兵Douglas Slocombe1981提名
Tess泰斯Geoffrey Unsworth (posthumously) and Ghislain Cloquet1980获奖
The Blue Lagoon蓝色珊瑚礁Néstor Almendros1980提名
Coal Miner’s Daughter矿工之女Ralf D. Bode1980提名
The Formula大追捕James Crabe1980提名
Raging Bull愤怒的公牛Michael Chapman1980提名
Apocalypse Now现代启示录Vittorio Storaro1979获奖
19411941年William A. Fraker1979提名
All That Jazz秀场才子Giuseppe Rotunno1979提名
The Black Hole黑洞Frank V. Phillips1979提名
Kramer vs. Kramer克莱默对克莱默Néstor Almendros1979提名
Days of Heaven天国之日Néstor Almendros1978获奖
The Deer Hunter猎鹿人Vilmos Zsigmond1978提名
Heaven Can Wait天堂可以等待William A. Fraker1978提名
Same Time, Next Year明年此时Robert Surtees1978提名
The Wiz魔幻巫师Oswald Morris1978提名
Close Encounters of the Third Kind第三维度的接触Vilmos Zsigmond1977获奖
Islands in the Stream海锁金山Fred J. Koenekamp1977提名
Julia茱莉亚Douglas Slocombe1977提名
Looking for Mr. Goodbar寻找好吧台先生William A. Fraker1977提名
The Turning Point转折点Robert Surtees1977提名
Bound for Glory向着荣耀前行Haskell Wexler1976获奖
King Kong金刚Richard H. Kline1976提名
Logan’s Run天网杀机Ernest Laszlo1976提名
Network变相怪杰Owen Roizman1976提名
A Star Is Born一颗明星闪耀Robert Surtees1976提名
Barry Lyndon巴里•林登John Alcott1975获奖
The Day of the Locust蝗虫的日子Conrad Hall1975提名
Funny Lady滑稽的女士James Wong Howe1975提名
The Hindenburg金德堡号Robert Surtees1975提名
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest飞越疯人院Haskell Wexler and Bill Butler1975提名
The Towering Inferno摩天火灾Fred J. Koenekamp and Joseph Biroc1974获奖
Chinatown唐人街John A. Alonzo1974提名
Earthquake地震Philip H. Lathrop1974提名
Lenny莱尼Bruce Surtees1974提名
Murder on the Orient Express东方快车谋杀案Geoffrey Unsworth1974提名
Cries and Whispers哭泣与低语Sven Nykvist1973获奖
The Exorcist驱魔人Owen Roizman1973提名
Jonathan Livingston Seagull乔纳森·利文斯顿海鸥Jack Couffer1973提名
The Sting刺针Robert Surtees1973提名
The Way We Were往日情怀Harry Stradling Jr.1973提名
Cabaret歌舞表演Geoffrey Unsworth1972获奖
17761776年Harry Stradling Jr.1972提名
Butterflies Are Free蝴蝶自由了Charles Lang1972提名
The Poseidon Adventure波塞冬号大冒险Harold E. Stine1972提名
Travels with My Aunt与姑姑的旅行Douglas Slocombe1972提名
Fiddler on the Roof屋顶上的小提琴手Oswald Morris1971获奖
The French Connection法国贩毒网络Owen Roizman1971提名
The Last Picture Show最后一次放映Robert Surtees1971提名
Nicholas and Alexandra尼古拉斯和亚历山德拉Freddie Young1971提名
Summer of ’4242年夏天Robert Surtees1971提名
Ryan’s Daughter瑞恩的女儿Freddie Young1970获奖
Airport机场Ernest Laszlo1970提名
Patton帕顿Fred J. Koenekamp1970提名
Tora! Tora! Tora!虎!虎!虎!Osami Furuya, Sinsaku Himeda, Masamichi Satoh and Charles F. Wheeler1970提名
Women in Love恋爱中的女人Billy Williams1970提名
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid跑车兄弟Conrad Hall1969获奖
Anne of the Thousand Days千日安妮Arthur Ibbetson1969提名
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice鲍勃和卡罗尔和特德和艾丽斯Charles Lang1969提名
Hello, Dolly!你好,多莉!Harry Stradling (posthumously)1969提名
Marooned被困Daniel L. Fapp1969提名
Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶Pasqualino De Santis1968获奖
Funny Girl滑稽女孩Harry Stradling1968提名
Ice Station Zebra大北极Daniel L. Fapp1968提名
Oliver!奥利弗!Oswald Morris1968提名
Star!明星!Ernest Laszlo1968提名
Bonnie and Clyde邦妮和克莱德Burnett Guffey1967获奖
Camelot骑士国度Richard H. Kline1967提名
Doctor Dolittle动物医生Robert Surtees1967提名
The Graduate毕业生Robert Surtees1967提名
In Cold Blood冷血杀人事件Conrad Hall1967提名
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?谁害怕弗吉尼亚伍尔夫?Haskell Wexler1966获奖(黑白)
The Fortune Cookie幸运曲奇Joseph LaShelle1966提名(黑白)
Georgy Girl乔琪女孩Kenneth Higgins1966提名(黑白)
Is Paris Burning?巴黎在燃烧吗?Marcel Grignon1966提名(黑白)
Seconds第二次机会James Wong Howe1966提名(黑白)
A Man for All Seasons日月精忠Ted Moore1966获奖(彩色)
Fantastic Voyage奇幻航行Ernest Laszlo1966提名(彩色)
Hawaii夏威夷Russell Harlan1966提名(彩色)
The Professionals职业大贼Conrad Hall1966提名(彩色)
The Sand Pebbles沙砾魔术师Joseph MacDonald1966提名(彩色)
Ship of Fools傻瓜之船Ernest Laszlo1965获奖(黑白)
In Harm’s Way处于危险之中Loyal Griggs1965提名(黑白)
King Rat鼠王Burnett Guffey1965提名(黑白)
Morituri中条山Conrad Hall1965提名(黑白)
A Patch of Blue一块蓝色的小片地Robert Burks1965提名(黑白)
Doctor Zhivago日瓦戈医生Freddie Young1965获奖(彩色)
The Agony and the Ecstasy苦难与狂喜Leon Shamroy1965提名(彩色)
The Great Race伟大的竞赛Russell Harlan1965提名(彩色)
The Greatest Story Ever Told万世流芳William C. Mellor and Loyal Griggs1965提名(彩色)
The Sound of Music音乐之声Ted D. McCord1965提名(彩色)
Zorba the Greek希腊的佐尔巴Walter Lassally1964获奖(黑白)
The Americanization of Emily爱玛莉的美国化Philip H. Lathrop1964提名(黑白)
Fate Is the Hunter命运就是猎人Milton Krasner1964提名(黑白)
Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte最毒妇人心Joseph Biroc1964提名(黑白)
The Night of the Iguana鬣蜥的夜晚Gabriel Figueroa1964提名(黑白)
My Fair Lady我的贵妇人Harry Stradling1964获奖(彩色)
Becket贝克特Geoffrey Unsworth1964提名(彩色)
Cheyenne Autumn产自雪山镇William H. Clothier1964提名(彩色)
Mary Poppins玛丽·波普斯Edward Colman1964提名(彩色)
The Unsinkable Molly Brown不可沉没的莫莉·布朗Daniel L. Fapp1964提名(彩色)
Hud哈德James Wong Howe1963获奖(黑白)
The Balcony露台George J. Folsey1963提名(黑白)
The Caretakers照顾者Lucien Ballard1963提名(黑白)
Lilies of the Field田野里的百合花Ernest Haller1963提名(黑白)
Love with the Proper Stranger陌生人之恋Milton Krasner1963提名(黑白)
Cleopatra克莉奥佩特拉Leon Shamroy1963获奖(彩色)
The Cardinal红衣主教Leon Shamroy1963提名(彩色)
How the West Was Won西部大冒险William Daniels, Milton Krasner, Charles Lang and Joseph LaShelle1963提名(彩色)
Irma la Douce爱玛之女Joseph LaShelle1963提名(彩色)
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World癫狂、癫狂、癫狂的世界Ernest Laszlo1963提名(彩色)
The Longest Day最长的一天Jean Bourgoin and Walter Wottitz1962获奖(黑白)
Birdman of Alcatraz阿尔卡特拉兹的鸟人Burnett Guffey1962提名(黑白)
To Kill a Mockingbird杀死一只知更鸟Russell Harlan1962提名(黑白)
Two for the Seesaw摇摆的两个人Ted D. McCord1962提名(黑白)
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?珍妮小姐到底发生了什么?Ernest Haller1962提名(黑白)
Lawrence of Arabia阿拉伯的劳伦斯Freddie Young1962获奖(彩色)
Gypsy歌女Harry Stradling1962提名(彩色)
Hatari!哈塔里!Russell Harlan1962提名(彩色)
Mutiny on the Bounty赏金船的叛变Robert Surtees1962提名(彩色)
The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm格林兄弟的奇妙世界Paul C. Vogel1962提名(彩色)
The Hustler撬跳者Eugen Schüfftan1961获奖(黑白)
The Absent-Minded ProfessorMindedProfessorEdward Colman1961提名(黑白)
The Children’s Hour孩子们的钟点Franz Planer1961提名(黑白)
Judgment at Nuremberg在纽伦堡的审判Ernest Laszlo1961提名(黑白)
One, Two, Three一、二、三Daniel L. Fapp1961提名(黑白)
West Side Story西区故事Daniel L. Fapp1961获奖(彩色)
Fanny法妮Jack Cardiff1961提名(彩色)
Flower Drum Song花鼓歌Russell Metty1961提名(彩色)
A Majority of One以一投多Harry Stradling1961提名(彩色)
One-Eyed JacksEyedJacksCharles Lang1961提名(彩色)
Sons and Lovers儿子与情人Freddie Francis1960获奖(黑白)
The Apartment公寓Joseph LaShelle1960提名(黑白)
The Facts of Life生活的事实Charles Lang1960提名(黑白)
Inherit the Wind风中的遗产Ernest Laszlo1960提名(黑白)
Psycho精神病患者John L. Russell1960提名(黑白)
Spartacus斯巴达克斯Russell Metty1960获奖(彩色)
The Alamo阿拉莫William H. Clothier1960提名(彩色)
BUtterfield 88号巴特菲尔德女士Joseph Ruttenberg and Charles Harten1960提名(彩色)
Exodus出埃及记Sam Leavitt1960提名(彩色)
Pepe佩佩Joseph MacDonald1960提名(彩色)
The Diary of Anne Frank安妮·弗兰克的日记William C. Mellor1959获奖(黑白)
Anatomy of a Murder谋杀剖析Sam Leavitt1959提名(黑白)
Career职业生涯Joseph LaShelle1959提名(黑白)
Some Like It Hot热情如初Charles Lang1959提名(黑白)
The Young Philadelphians好莱坞之声Harry Stradling1959提名(黑白)
Ben Hur贝尔·赫斯Robert Surtees1959获奖(彩色)
The Big Fisherman大渔夫Lee Garmes1959提名(彩色)
The Five Pennies一角五分钱Daniel L. Fapp1959提名(彩色)
The Nun’s Story修女的故事Franz Planer1959提名(彩色)
Porgy and Bess波吉与贝丝Leon Shamroy1959提名(彩色)
The Defiant Ones拒不认输的人Sam Leavitt1958获奖(黑白)
Desire Under the Elms榆树下的情愫Daniel L. Fapp1958提名(黑白)
I Want to Live!我想活下去!Lionel Lindon1958提名(黑白)
Separate Tables分开的桌子Charles Lang1958提名(黑白)
The Young Lions年轻的狮子们Joseph MacDonald1958提名(黑白)
Gigi吉吉Joseph Ruttenberg1958获奖(彩色)
Auntie Mame玛姆姨Harry Stradling1958提名(彩色)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof热铁皮屋顶上的猫William Daniels1958提名(彩色)
The Old Man and the Sea老人与海James Wong Howe1958提名(彩色)
South Pacific南太平洋Leon Shamroy1958提名(彩色)
The Bridge on the River Kwai桥上的江湖Jack Hildyard1957获奖
An Affair to Remember一段难以忘记的情缘Milton Krasner1957提名
Funny Face滑稽女郎Ray June1957提名
Peyton Place佩顿地区William C. Mellor1957提名
Sayonara再见Ellsworth Fredericks1957提名
Somebody Up There Likes Me上天缘何喜欢我Joseph Ruttenberg1956获奖(黑白)
Baby Doll娃娃Boris Kaufman1956提名(黑白)
The Bad Seed坏种子Harold Rosson1956提名(黑白)
The Harder They Fall跌得越狠Burnett Guffey1956提名(黑白)
Stagecoach to Fury愤怒马车Walter Strenge1956提名(黑白)
Around the World in 80 Days全球游记80天Lionel Lindon1956获奖(彩色)
The Eddy Duchin Story埃迪·杜钦的故事Harry Stradling1956提名(彩色)
The King and I国王与我Leon Shamroy1956提名(彩色)
The Ten Commandments十诫Loyal Griggs1956提名(彩色)
War and Peace战争与和平Jack Cardiff1956提名(彩色)
The Rose Tattoo玫瑰刺青James Wong Howe1955获奖(黑白)
Blackboard Jungle黑板丛林Russell Harlan1955提名(黑白)
I’ll Cry Tomorrow明天我会哭泣Arthur Arling1955提名(黑白)
Marty玛蒂Joseph LaShelle1955提名(黑白)
Queen Bee女王蜂Charles Lang1955提名(黑白)
To Catch a Thief抓住窃贼Robert Burks1955获奖(彩色)
Guys and Dolls扳着手指数人头Harry Stradling1955提名(彩色)
Love Is a Many-Splendored ThingSplendoredThingLeon Shamroy1955提名(彩色)
A Man Called Peter一个名叫彼得的人Harold Lipstein1955提名(彩色)
Oklahoma!俄克拉荷马Robert Surtees1955提名(彩色)
On the Waterfront码头风云Boris Kaufman1954获奖(黑白)
The Country Girl乡村女孩John F. Warren1954提名(黑白)
Executive Suite纵横天下George J. Folsey1954提名(黑白)
Rogue Cop背信弃义的警察John F. Seitz1954提名(黑白)
Sabrina萨布丽娜Charles Lang1954提名(黑白)
Three Coins in the Fountain罗马之恋Milton Krasner1954获奖(彩色)
The Egyptian埃及人Leon Shamroy1954提名(彩色)
Rear Window后窗Robert Burks1954提名(彩色)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers七个兄弟的七个新娘George J. Folsey1954提名(彩色)
The Silver Chalice镶银圣杯William V. Skall1954提名(彩色)
From Here to Eternity从此到永远Burnett Guffey1953获奖(黑白)
The Four Poster人生曲Hal Mohr1953提名(黑白)
Julius Caesar凯撒大帝Joseph Ruttenberg1953提名(黑白)
Martin Luther马丁·路德Joseph C. Brun1953提名(黑白)
Roman Holiday罗马假日Franz Planer and Henri Alekan1953提名(黑白)
Shane雪恩Loyal Griggs1953获奖(彩色)
All the Brothers Were Valiant四海英雄传George J. Folsey1953提名(彩色)
Beneath the 12-Mile ReefMileReefEdward Cronjager1953提名(彩色)
Lili莉莉Robert H. Planck1953提名(彩色)
The Robe波旁王朝Leon Shamroy1953提名(彩色)
The Bad and the Beautiful坏与美Robert Surtees1952获奖(黑白)
The Big Sky峰火弥天Russell Harlan1952提名(黑白)
My Cousin Rachel我的表妹瑞秋Joseph LaShelle1952提名(黑白)
Navajo纳瓦哈Virgil Miller1952提名(黑白)
Sudden Fear骤然恐慌Charles Lang1952提名(黑白)
The Quiet Man安静的人Winton C. Hoch and Archie Stout1952获奖(彩色)
Hans Christian Andersen安徒生Harry Stradling1952提名(彩色)
Ivanhoe艾凡豪Freddie Young1952提名(彩色)
Million Dollar Mermaid百万美人鱼George J. Folsey1952提名(彩色)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro基利马札罗的雪Leon Shamroy1952提名(彩色)
A Place in the Sun日落大道William C. Mellor1951获奖(黑白)
Death of a Salesman一位推销员的死亡Franz Planer1951提名(黑白)
The Frogmen蛙人Norbert Brodine1951提名(黑白)
Strangers on a Train列车上的陌生人Robert Burks1951提名(黑白)
A Streetcar Named Desire欲望号街车Harry Stradling1951提名(黑白)
An American in Paris天空之城Alfred Gilks and John Alton1951获奖(彩色)
David and Bathsheba大卫与拔示巴Leon Shamroy1951提名(彩色)
Quo Vadis全世界和平Robert Surtees and William V. Skall1951提名(彩色)
Show Boat船歌Charles Rosher1951提名(彩色)
When Worlds Collide当世界碰撞时John F. Seitz and W. Howard Greene1951提名(彩色)
The Third Man第三个男人Robert Krasker1950获奖(黑白)
All About Eve伊芙女士Milton Krasner1950提名(黑白)
The Asphalt Jungle沥青丛林Harold Rosson1950提名(黑白)
The Furies势不两立Victor Milner1950提名(黑白)
Sunset Boulevard天堂大道John F. Seitz1950提名(黑白)
King Solomon’s Mines所罗门王宝藏Robert Surtees1950获奖(彩色)
Annie Get Your Gun安妮带上你的枪Charles Rosher1950提名(彩色)
Broken Arrow断箭Ernest Palmer1950提名(彩色)
The Flame and the Arrow火焰与箭Ernest Haller1950提名(彩色)
Samson and Delilah参孙和达莉拉George Barnes1950提名(彩色)
Battleground阵地战Paul C. Vogel1949获奖(黑白)
Champion冠军Franz Planer1949提名(黑白)
Come to the Stable来马厩Joseph LaShelle1949提名(黑白)
The Heiress继承人Leo Tover1949提名(黑白)
Prince of Foxes狐狸王子Leon Shamroy1949提名(黑白)
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon她佩戴着一条黄丝带Winton C. Hoch1949获奖(彩色)
The Barkleys of Broadway街头巴克利Harry Stradling1949提名(彩色)
Jolson Sings Again乔尔森再度献声William E. Snyder1949提名(彩色)
Little Women小妇人Robert H. Planck and Charles Schoenbaum1949提名(彩色)
Sand沙丘Charles G. Clarke1949提名(彩色)
The Naked City裸体城市William Daniels1948获奖(黑白)
A Foreign Affair外事关系Charles Lang1948提名(黑白)
I Remember Mama慈母泪Nicholas Musuraca1948提名(黑白)
Johnny Belinda约翰尼·贝林达Ted D. McCord1948提名(黑白)
Portrait of Jennie珍妮画像Joseph August (posthumously)1948提名(黑白)
Joan of Arc圣女贞德Joseph Valentine, William V. Skall and Winton C. Hoch1948获奖(彩色)
Green Grass of Wyoming怀俄明的绿草原Charles G. Clarke1948提名(彩色)
The Loves of Carmen卡门之恋William E. Snyder1948提名(彩色)
The Three Musketeers三个火枪手Robert H. Planck1948提名(彩色)
Great Expectations伟大的期望Guy Green1947获奖(黑白)
Green Dolphin Street绿色海豚街George J. Folsey1947提名(黑白)
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir幽灵与穆尔夫人Charles Lang1947提名(黑白)
Black Narcissus黑色那无华Jack Cardiff1947获奖(彩色)
Life with Father父亲的生活J. Peverell Marley and William V. Skall1947提名(彩色)
Mother Wore Tights金缕霓裳Harry Jackson1947提名(彩色)
Anna and the King of Siam安娜和暹罗国王Arthur C. Miller1946获奖(黑白)
The Green Years绿色年华George J. Folsey1946提名(黑白)
The Yearling小鹿斑比Charles Rosher, Leonard Smith and Arthur Arling1946获奖(彩色)
The Jolson Story乔尔森的故事Joseph Walker1946提名(彩色)
The Picture of Dorian Gray多里安·格雷的画像Harry Stradling1945获奖(黑白)
The Keys of the Kingdom身份的钥匙Arthur C. Miller1945提名(黑白)
The Lost Weekend失落的周末John F. Seitz1945提名(黑白)
Mildred Pierce米尔得瓦德·皮尔斯Ernest Haller1945提名(黑白)
Spellbound催眠George Barnes1945提名(黑白)
Leave Her to Heaven将她留在天堂Leon Shamroy1945获奖(彩色)
Anchors Aweigh锚扬帆Robert H. Planck and Charles P. Boyle1945提名(彩色)
National Velvet国家天鹅绒Leonard Smith1945提名(彩色)
A Song to Remember记忆之歌Tony Gaudio and Allen M. Davey1945提名(彩色)
The Spanish Main百慕大怪船George Barnes1945提名(彩色)
Laura老娘鱼Joseph LaShelle1944获奖(黑白)
Double Indemnity双重赔偿John F. Seitz1944提名(黑白)
Dragon Seed龙种Sidney Wagner1944提名(黑白)
Gaslight煤气灯Joseph Ruttenberg1944提名(黑白)
Going My Way向前走Lionel Lindon1944提名(黑白)
Lifeboat救生艇Glen MacWilliams1944提名(黑白)
Since You Went Away你离开后Stanley Cortez and Lee Garmes1944提名(黑白)
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo三十秒飞越东京Robert Surtees and Harold Rosson1944提名(黑白)
The Uninvited未被邀请的人Charles Lang1944提名(黑白)
The White Cliffs of Dover多佛尔的白崖George J. Folsey1944提名(黑白)
Wilson威尔逊Leon Shamroy1944获奖(彩色)
Cover Girl封面女郎Rudolph Maté and Allen M. Davey1944提名(彩色)
Home in Indiana印地安纳之家Edward Cronjager1944提名(彩色)
Kismet命运之奇迹Charles Rosher1944提名(彩色)
Lady in the Dark黑暗中的女士Ray Rennahan1944提名(彩色)
Meet Me in St. Louis在圣路易斯见我George J. Folsey1944提名(彩色)
The Song of Bernadette波南度的歌声Arthur C. Miller1943获奖(黑白)
Air Force空军James Wong Howe, Elmer Dyer and Charles A. Marshall1943提名(黑白)
Casablanca卡萨布兰卡Arthur Edeson1943提名(黑白)
Corvette K-225大西洋之战Tony Gaudio1943提名(黑白)
Five Graves to Cairo开罗的五个坟墓John F. Seitz1943提名(黑白)
The Human Comedy人间喜剧Harry Stradling1943提名(黑白)
Madame Curie居里夫人Joseph Ruttenberg1943提名(黑白)
The North Star北极星James Wong Howe1943提名(黑白)
Sahara撒哈拉Rudolph Maté1943提名(黑白)
So Proudly We Hail!我们雄辩地歌颂!Charles Lang1943提名(黑白)
Phantom of the Opera歌剧魅影Hal Mohr and W. Howard Greene1943获奖(彩色)
For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣Ray Rennahan1943提名(彩色)
Heaven Can Wait天堂可以等待Edward Cronjager1943提名(彩色)
Hello Frisco, Hello春风得意Charles G. Clarke and Allen M. Davey1943提名(彩色)
Lassie Come Home来吧,莱西Leonard Smith1943提名(彩色)
Thousands Cheer千万欢呼George J. Folsey1943提名(彩色)
Mrs. Miniver米尼弗夫人Joseph Ruttenberg1942获奖(黑白)
Kings Row国王纪元James Wong Howe1942提名(黑白)
The Magnificent Ambersons安伯森一家的华丽Stanley Cortez1942提名(黑白)
Moontide潮水Charles G. Clarke1942提名(黑白)
The Pied Piper排笛手Edward Cronjager1942提名(黑白)
The Pride of the Yankees美国人民的骄傲Rudolph Maté1942提名(黑白)
Take a Letter, Darling亲爱的,写一封信John J. Mescall1942提名(黑白)
The Talk of the Town小镇传闻Ted Tetzlaff1942提名(黑白)
Ten Gentlemen from West Point十位来自西点的绅士Leon Shamroy1942提名(黑白)
This Above All除此以外的Arthur C. Miller1942提名(黑白)
The Black Swan黑天鹅Leon Shamroy1942获奖(彩色)
Arabian Nights阿拉伯之夜Milton Krasner, William V. Skall and W. Howard Greene1942提名(彩色)
Captains of the Clouds云的船长Sol Polito1942提名(彩色)
Jungle Book丛林书W. Howard Greene1942提名(彩色)
Reap the Wild Wind收割狂风Victor Milner and William V. Skall1942提名(彩色)
To the Shores of Tripoli到的黎波里海岸Edward Cronjager and William V. Skall1942提名(彩色)
How Green Was My Valley我的青草地Arthur C. Miller1941获奖(黑白)
The Chocolate Soldier巧克力士兵Karl Freund1941提名(黑白)
Citizen Kane公民凯恩Gregg Toland1941提名(黑白)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde杰克尔与海德博士Joseph Ruttenberg1941提名(黑白)
Here Comes Mr. Jordan乔丹来了Joseph Walker1941提名(黑白)
Hold Back the Dawn忍耐黎明Leo Tover1941提名(黑白)
Sergeant York约克军士Sol Polito1941提名(黑白)
Sun Valley Serenade日落山谷的狂想曲Edward Cronjager1941提名(黑白)
Sundown日落时分Charles Lang1941提名(黑白)
That Hamilton Woman汉密尔顿女士Rudolph Maté1941提名(黑白)
Blood and Sand血与沙Ernest Palmer and Ray Rennahan1941获奖(彩色)
Aloma of the South Seas南海的阿洛玛Wilfred M. Cline, Karl Struss and William E. Snyder1941提名(彩色)
Billy the Kid埃尔William V. Skall and Leonard Smith1941提名(彩色)
Blossoms in the Dust土中开花Karl Freund and W. Howard Greene1941提名(彩色)
Dive Bomber俯冲轰炸机Bert Glennon1941提名(彩色)
Louisiana Purchase路易斯安那购买Harry Hallenberger and Ray Rennahan1941提名(彩色)
Rebecca惹卡迷George Barnes1940获奖(黑白)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois伊利诺斯州的林肯James Wong Howe1940提名(黑白)
All This, and Heaven Too这一切,还有天堂Ernest Haller1940提名(黑白)
Arise, My Love爱的崛起Charles Lang1940提名(黑白)
Boom Town繁荣城市Harold Rosson1940提名(黑白)
Foreign Correspondent外地亲事Rudolph Maté1940提名(黑白)
The Letter信件Tony Gaudio1940提名(黑白)
The Long Voyage Home漫长的归途Gregg Toland1940提名(黑白)
Spring Parade春天游行Joseph Valentine1940提名(黑白)
Waterloo Bridge滑铁卢桥Joseph Ruttenberg1940提名(黑白)
The Thief of Bagdad巴格达的盗贼Georges Périnal1940获奖(彩色)
Bitter Sweet苦甜之间Oliver T. Marsh and Allen M. Davey1940提名(彩色)
The Blue Bird蓝鸟Arthur C. Miller and Ray Rennahan1940提名(彩色)
Down Argentine Way阿根廷之路Leon Shamroy and Ray Rennahan1940提名(彩色)
North West Mounted Police加拿大西北驻军Victor Milner and W. Howard Greene1940提名(彩色)
Northwest Passage西北通道Sidney Wagner and William V. Skall1940提名(彩色)
Wuthering Heights咆哮山庄Gregg Toland1939获奖(黑白)
Stagecoach马车Bert Glennon1939提名(黑白)
Gone With the Wind乱世佳人Ernest Haller and Ray Rennahan1939获奖(彩色)
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex伊丽莎白和埃塞克斯的私生活Sol Polito and W. Howard Greene1939提名(彩色)
The Great Waltz伟大的华尔兹Joseph Ruttenberg1938获奖(黑白)
Algiers阿尔及尔James Wong Howe1938提名(黑白)
Army Girl军嫂Ernest Miller and Harry J. Wild1938提名(黑白)
The Buccaneer海盗Victor Milner1938提名(黑白)
Jezebel耶洗别Ernest Haller1938提名(黑白)
Mad About Music疯狂于音乐Joseph Valentine1938提名(黑白)
Merrily We Live生活得愉快Norbert Brodine1938提名(黑白)
Suez苏伊士J. Peverell Marley1938提名(黑白)
Vivacious Lady活泼的女士Robert De Grasse1938提名(黑白)
You Can’t Take It with You你不能带走它Joseph Walker1938提名(黑白)
The Young in Heart年轻中的心灵Leon Shamroy1938提名(黑白)
Sweethearts甜心Oliver T. Marsh and Allen Davey1938特别成就奖(彩色)
The Good Earth大地Karl Freund1937获奖(黑白)
Dead End死胡同Gregg Toland1937提名(黑白)
Wings over Honolulu逍遥法外Joseph Valentine1937提名(黑白)
A Star Is Born一颗明星的诞生W. Howard Greene1937特别成就奖(彩色)
Anthony Adverse安东尼·阿德斯Tony Gaudio1936获奖(黑白)
The General Died at Dawn将军在黎明时逝世Victor Milner1936提名(黑白)
The Gorgeous Hussy美丽的贞女George J. Folsey1936提名(黑白)
The Garden of Allah阿拉的花园W. Howard Greene and Harold Rosson1936特别成就奖(彩色)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream仲夏夜之梦Hal Mohr1935获奖
Barbary Coast巴巴利海岸Ray June1935提名
The Crusades十字军东征Victor Milner1935提名
Les Misérables悲惨世界Gregg Toland1935提名
Cleopatra克莉奥佩特拉Victor Milner1934获奖
The Affairs of Cellini塞利尼的恋情Charles Rosher1934提名
Operator 13第13号操作员George J. Folsey1934提名
A Farewell to Arms道别的武器Charles Lang1932/33获奖
Reunion in Vienna维也纳重逢George J. Folsey1932/33提名
The Sign of the Cross十字架的标志Karl Struss1932/33提名
Shanghai Express上海特快Lee Garmes1931/32获奖
Arrowsmith射手Ray June1931/32提名
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde杰克尔博士和海德先生Karl Struss1931/32提名
Tabu: A Story of the South Seas南海的禁忌:一个故事Floyd Crosby1930/31获奖
Cimarron西马隆Edward Cronjager1930/31提名
Morocco摩洛哥Lee Garmes1930/31提名
The Right to Love爱的权利Charles Lang1930/31提名
Svengali斯文加利Barney McGill1930/31提名
With Byrd at the South Pole与伯德一起在南极Joseph T. Rucker and Willard Van der Veer1929/30获奖
All Quiet on the Western Front西线无战事Arthur Edeson1929/30提名
Anna Christie安娜•克里斯蒂William H. Daniels1929/30提名
Hell’s Angels地狱天使Tony Gaudio and Harry Perry1929/30提名
The Love Parade爱的巡游Victor Milner1929/30提名
White Shadows in the South Seas南海的白影Clyde De Vinna1928/29获奖
The Divine Lady神圣的女士John F. Seitz1928/29提名
4 Devils四个恶魔Ernest Palmer1928/29提名
In Old Arizona在老亚利桑那Arthur Edeson1928/29提名
Our Dancing Daughters我们的舞蹈女儿George Barnes1928/29提名
Street Angel街天使Ernest Palmer1928/29提名
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans日出:两个人的歌曲Charles Rosher Karl Struss1927/28获奖
The Devil Dancer恶魔舞者George Barnes1927/28提名
The Magic Flame神奇的火焰George Barnes1927/28提名
Sadie Thompson莎迪·汤普森George Barnes1927/28提名
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